President’s Report – December 2024

This month at the InterContinental Hotel I had the great pleasure of taking on the role of President of the RAI for the next two years. I would like to thank Paul Lenehan for his considerable time and work over the last two years in particular the last six months advocating for our sector in many Government meetings and with the media.
I personally have been a member of the RAI for almost 24 years now, but for those of you unaware of my business background, my business partner Shoaib Yunus and I set up Kinara over 23 years ago and we operate three restaurants under the Kinara Group brand serving Pakistani cuisine to the locals of Clontarf, Malahide and Ranelagh.
In the years to come, in my view, individually we must all take our business opportunities, but it is so crucial that those of us who work at the coalface of the hospitality industry day in and day out that we have our collective voices heard and as a member of the RAI along with Adrian Cummins and the team at the RAI we will continue make sure your voice is heard. A new Government will be formed soon, and it is encouraging that the message finally landed and VAT and PRSI supports are on most Political parties’ manifestos. We will keep a very watchful eye and engage with the new Government to make sure they support this industry with a meaningful and long-term approach.
The real key to truly amplify our voices, is active participation. The age-old adage that there is strength in numbers comes to mind, so it is crucial to engage in a constructive manner with the RAI by attending meetings, sharing your thoughts, supporting campaigns and, perhaps most importantly, encouraging your neighbouring businesses to join. I hope to meet many of you over the next two years.
It is important to remember particularly as we approach the festive season that people are the core of the hospitality industry, those who work in it and those who visit our cafes, restaurant or gastro bars throughout Ireland. It is vital that this important part of our social connection is valued at Government level. I will endeavor to do my best to protect and encourage growth for all in the food led hospitality sector.
President's Report
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