President’s Report – December 2018


Dear Members,

Earlier this month we heard the welcome news that Home Economics is to be made compulsory until Junior Certificate.

While this is not over the line just yet the efforts of everyone in St. Angela’s college must be recognised. I would also like to give a mention to the last two presidents; Pádraic Óg Gallagher and Anthony Gray who campaigned for this during their terms.

I would now ask the government to go one better and introduce food education in the primary school curriculum sooner rather than later.

Having 3 kids in primary school at the moment (and I know I speak for most parents) there is a constant battle with kids at this age to eat healthy. By the time our kids reach secondary school this battle could be lost.

They need to hear from other voices. Within our industry we have great spokespersons; JP McMahon and Neven Maguire for example, who are constantly campaigning for this.

I will be making a personal plea to Government Minsters to highlight this issue, maybe I might have some news on this in my next report.

We all know at this time of year we reflect on the year and wonder what 2019 is going to bring.

I find it very hard to be positive, on the first of January we will see the VAT rate increase back up to 13.5%, we have Brexit looming and wage increases also.

During this period, I would urge members to contact our office if they have any queries, no matter how small.

Finally, I would like to wish all our members a Happy Christmas, I would also like to thank all the RAI staff who work tirelessly on our behalf and I look forward to working with you all in the new year.

Liam Edwards,

President – Restaurants Association of Ireland

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