RAI Statement – Restrictions Announced by Government

Hospitality Sector Devastated and Fearful for Future with announcement of further restrictions

60% of hospitality staff will be laid off Christmas week following Government announcement

Christmas Restrictions mean a long cold winter for Hospitality – Financial Supports Vital for Survival

The Hospitality Sector has reacted with shock and devastation this evening following Government’s announcement of further restrictions on trading hours. Speaking following the announcement CEO of the Restaurants Association of Ireland, Adrian Cummins said; “This has been a devastating blow for hospitality businesses and employees this evening. The majority of hospitality businesses rely on income from the Christmas period to see them through the quieter first two months of the year. The loss of income over Christmas is about more than just the festive season, it is about surviving the winter months. It is imperative that financial supports are put in place immediately to offset the impact this will have for businesses and their employees and enable them to survive. As a sector and as a country we need better engagement on what the plan for living with this disease will be going forward. The current last minute reactionary approach is not working, we stand as always, ready able and willing to engage with Government on a plan for the survival and reopening of hospitality.”

Asks of the Hospitality Sector following this evening’s announcement of further restrictions:

  • Announcement of restricted trading hours from Monday 20th December must coincide with giving hospitality businesses access to Covid Restriction Support Scheme CRSS
  • Deadline for businesses to sign up to Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme must be extended beyond 31st December 2021
  • Government must commit to review new restrictions announced today by 9th January as with previous restrictions announced in December
  • Government must commit to ongoing consideration by NPHET of the some metrics so that staff and businesses are aware of what these restrictions have been put in place to achieve
    • % of boosters administered to population
    • WHO or ECDC data on transmissibility of Omicron
    • any new info from vaccine providers on efficacy of 2nd and 3rd doses against new variant
  • Government must give hospitality businesses access to a new Business Resumption Support Scheme (BRSS) or Restart Grant of 3 weeks when restrictions eased

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